Quinnipiac University


Pre-Professional Programs

Four students walk across the quad to Echlin Center


Pre-Professional Programs

You supply the drive and ambition; our pre-professional programs will deliver the academic experiences necessary to give you a competitive edge when applying to post-secondary programs in medicine, law, dentistry and the health sciences. With three specific pre-professional designations — and an array of undergraduate programs of study to prepare you for the next step of your journey — Quinnipiac will position you to pursue your dream career and achieve your academic and professional aspirations. 

Three designations, unlimited pathways

Quinnipiac has designed three concrete pre-professional programs that put students on the right track to building a strong application to law school, dental school and a variety of schools in the medical field — including veterinary school and pharmacy programs.

Students in almost any major are eligible to declare these pathways, allowing them to partner with specialized advisors who will guide them toward the right combination of prerequisite coursework and experiential learning opportunities that contribute to an outstanding application. 

Pre-Law Studies and Advising

Law and legal professionals work and practice within all industries and verticals, from criminal prosecution and defense to public policy and government, civil advocacy and dispute resolution, privacy and cybersecurity and tax interests.

To attend law school, undergraduate students must first earn a bachelor's degree and then take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). There is no single course of study that is required or recommended; rather, the Association of American Law Schools recommends that students explore a range of courses that provide fundamental skills including the ability to think and write clearly and succinctly, logical reasoning and analysis, and an appreciation of social, political and economic foundations and complexities.

Learn more about the Designation in Pre-Law Studies

Pre-Medical Studies and Advising

Many fulfilling professions in medicine and healthcare require advanced study beyond the undergraduate degree. Our Designation in Pre-Medical Studies equips aspiring doctors, podiatrists, optometrists, pharmacists and veterinarians with the foundational knowledge they need to earn admission to prestigious professional schools.

As a student within this designation, you’ll receive expert guidance from our dedicated director of pre-health advising to help you identify and pursue clinical exposure, research and volunteer experiences. In the increasingly competitive world of medical school admissions, working with a pre-health adviser is critical to your success.

Learn more about the Designation in Pre-Medical Studies

Pre-Dental Studies

Our Designation in Pre-Dental Studies provides students interested in pursuing a DDS or DMD with the scientific foundation, academic advising and experiential background they need to gain a competitive edge when applying to dental school.

While the Designation in Pre-Dental Studies will cover the majority of standard prerequisite courses, requirements may vary by dental school and program. Students are responsible for monitoring their intended dental programs in advance of the AADSAS application process to determine if additional coursework is required.

Learn more about the Designation in Pre-Dental Studies

A foundation in the arts, sciences, health sciences and humanities

There is no one major that best prepares students to apply to professional schools — that's why we encourage students who are interested in pursuing advanced studies to choose the major that best aligns with their interests and strengths. By taking courses in the arts, sciences, health sciences and humanities, students will sharpen the critical thinking and foundational skills that graduate programs look for in their applicant pool.

While we don't offer official designations or preparatory programs for every professional field, students are encouraged to explore the different majors, dual-degree programs and experiential learning opportunities that will put them in the best position to submit a strong application.

Explore the College of Arts and Sciences

Explore the School of Health Sciences

Pre-Professional Clubs and Organizations

  • American Medical Student Association Pre-Medical Chapter of Quinnipiac University

  • Pre-Dental Society

  • Pre-Law Society

  • Pre-Health Professions Society

  • Pre-Physician Assistant Club

  • QU EMS

  • Quinnipiac Future Teachers Organization

  • Quinnipiac Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students

A supportive community of exceptional students

The 5 pre-med ambassadors standing outside of ABL

The pre-med ambassadors program aims to offer support, advising and resources to undergraduate pre-medical students as they prepare for medical school or other clinical doctorates of interest. 

“We’re not striving to shape all students into a singular mold, but rather we hope to uncover their drives, goals and interests in such a way that us ambassadors can offer guidance, resources and support,” said Surace, pictured second from the right with other student ambassadors. “We’ll also assist our fellow students in strategizing to obtain healthcare experience, community service, volunteer or research opportunities.”

Surace went to Anna Gilmore, director of pre-health advising, hoping to create an avenue of personalized support and guidance for students from others who have “been there, done that” as a means of reducing stress.

Read more on Quinnipiac Today