Quinnipiac University

Experiential Learning

At Quinnipiac, experiential learning is a transformative educational approach that happens on and off campus — and begins when students step foot on campus. Students experience learning in living-learning communities, classrooms, campus organizations and in the broader communities. They participate in activities that help them develop skills to engage in dialogues and problem-solving with the goal of enhancing their abilities to impact internal, local and global communities.

Beyond the walls — and borders

At Quinnipiac, a world-sized classroom® is a concept that is critical to a transformative student experience. It includes internships, clinical work, service learning programs, guided research, student organizations and multidisciplinary projects — and more.

It means hundreds of internship sites available to our business students; inner-city schools where our education students teach; research sites in Hungary and Mexico; universities in Ireland and Australia, and museums in Italy. It includes farms an hour from campus, where our students perform health screenings for migrant workers. It means raising more than a quarter of a million dollars to help fight childhood cancer through QTHON, one of our more than 150 student-run groups.

It’s this experiential learning that will prepare you to be an engaged, culturally aware citizen, while learning the kinds of adaptable skills that will serve you for a lifetime.

Study Abroad and Domestic

Make lasting connections around the world

Here you’ll join an extensive network of programs and partnerships that extend your reach across the United States and throughout the globe. See the world by participating in one of our programs in 32 different countries. Intern at NBC Entertainment or the "Conan" show in our semester-long QU in LA program, or get involved with politics with our QU in D.C. program. We'll connect you with unique environments where you'll apply your learning, acquire professional skills and learn about yourself in the process.

Learn more about Study Abroad

Learn more about Study Domestic

Course Projects and Capstones

Like every Quinnipiac student, you'll have many opportunities to learn via hands-on experience through course projects and capstones. You can develop your own video game in one of our Game Design and Development courses or apply portfolio management techniques in a finance course. Any project you pursue can illustrate the depth of your knowledge and skill not only to your professors and peers, but also to potential future employers.

Your academic experience here will also culminate in an integrative capstone project. We know that each academic program — and student — is unique, and therefore no two capstone projects are the same in scope or execution. Communications and media studies students may produce a documentary over four years that showcases their visual storytelling ability, while students in civil engineering may spend the bulk of their senior year working with a local environmental agency. Capstones also can be collaborative and interdisciplinary, allowing you to contribute your expertise to a greater project alongside peers from several other majors.

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Senior Design Project

In the School of Computing and Engineering, every student completes a Senior Design Project that incorporates real clients and problems, and simulates a project that they might encounter their first day on the job.

Giving Back to Our Community

A Camp No Limits volunteer pushes a participate on a roller scooter while the participate collects tennis balls

Educating the Whole Person

Quinnipiac strives to develop students into enlightened citizens who lift communities and embrace inclusive excellence. From hitting the dance floor to raise money and devoting one big day to assisting hundreds of local nonprofits, to celebrating people of all abilities and delivering programs to promote the health of mind, body and spirit, our Quinnipiac community is dedicated to serving our extended community.

Through many university-wide events and initiatives, students, staff and faculty members work to enhance the lives of our neighbors, including:

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Competitions and Conferences

National competitions and professional conferences enable students from all academic disciplines to address real world issues, present their own research and match their expertise against the brightest minds from other nationally ranked universities across the country. Moreover, they have the chance to earn their first of many publication credits and be regarded as peers by veteran scholars and other leaders in their fields — all of which are great resume builders that employers look for.

These events allow you to represent Quinnipiac on the national stage and open doors to powerful networks, membership to professional organizations and a many other professional resources. Below are just a few competitions and conferences you can take advantage of each year:

  • American Mock Trial Association Competition
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Student Design Competition
  • Global Game Jam
  • National Student Advertising Competition
  • New York Society of Security Analysts (NYSSA) Challenge
  • Northeast Intercollegiate Sales Competition (NISC)
  • Quinnipiac University App Development Hack-a-Thon
  • Rotman Financial Trading Competition
  • Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) Case Competition

  • American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress
  • American Association of Colleges of Nursing annual summit
  • American Marketing Association Conference
  • Center for Women and Business, Professional Development Seminars
  • National Student Nurses Association annual meeting
  • Pediatric Medical Student Research Forum
  • Quinnipiac Global Asset Management Education (G.A.M.E.) Forum
  • Society for American Archaeology Conference

  • American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress
  • American Association of Colleges of Nursing annual summit
  • American Marketing Association Conference
  • Center for Women and Business, Professional Development Seminars
  • National Student Nurses Association annual meeting
  • Pediatric Medical Student Research Forum
  • Quinnipiac Global Asset Management Education (G.A.M.E.) Forum
  • Society for American Archaeology Conference

Business students get in the GAME

A business student introduces speakers at the GAME Forum in New York City

Quinnipiac GAME Forum

What’s the name of the game? Getting hands-on experience that translates into real-world success. Each year, 40 or so Quinnipiac business students play an integral role in organizing the annual GAME Forum, a three-day conference held in New York City that brings together the sharpest minds in the finance world. This engaging event — the largest, student-run financial conference in the world — draws more than 1,200 students and faculty from more than 150 colleges and universities. GAME Forum participants hear 140 high-level speakers sound off on everything from investment strategies to the role of social media in the stock market.

QU students, who act as hosts at the event, have the chance to get up close and personal with these finance superstars by participating in Q&A sessions, and attending breakout discussions and workshops on everything from investing to career development.

Learn more about GAME Forum

Leadership Programs and Peer Mentorship

Photo of School of Business engagement fellows

Role-modeling and mentoring from a successful student’s perspective

Engagement Fellows

The School of Business engagement fellows program, led by Professor Fullick-Jagiela, is a hands-on leadership opportunity for students who are highly invested in not just their own learning but also in the learning and development of others. Throughout the academic year, engagement fellows facilitate student and faculty exchanges in classes where hands-on learning is crucial to achieving learning outcomes. They go beyond the traditional approach of teaching assistants, supporting students throughout class interactions and serving as a successful role model.

In addition to working with students and the faculty in the courses they support, engagement fellows themselves participate in an exceptional learning experience that prepares them for their careers and for life. Each week, the fellows meet with Professor Fullick-Jagiela to share highlights, tips, techniques and communication strategies. They work together to brainstorm ways to overcome challenges and talk extensively about societal impact, conflict resolution, team dynamics, time management, providing and receiving effective feedback, empathy and emotional intelligence. During their time in the program, engagement fellows take advantage of ample opportunities to reflect upon their own reasoning processes while gaining insight from reasoned discussions with others. 

Since Fall 2020, Professor Fullick-Jagiela has worked with 82 fellows who supported over 100 classes within the School of Business. These former fellows have applied their experience in the program to secure internships, jobs and admission to graduate school programs.

More Ways to Learn

Centers and Institutes

We have identified specific areas of excellence where our students interact with researchers and professionals at the leading edges of their disciplines. From humanitarian service to entrepreneurism and innovation, our 17 centers and institutes open doors to amazing opportunities for you to intern, study, work and conduct research — both on campus and in countries around the world. That means, you'll have the chance to learn from the best minds in their fields.

Explore Centers and Institutes

Student Groups

We offer more than 150 student-run groups, where you’ll have the opportunity to join students with diverse backgrounds who have a common passion. Whether that’s Student Government Association, Psychology Club or joining a sorority or fraternity, you’ll find a way to connect with others who share your interest. And it doesn’t stop there. If the group you want to join doesn’t exist, we’ll support you in creating it. It’s up to you what you’ll do.

Explore student groups