Quinnipiac University
Welcomes Media Inquiries
Abigail Copeland is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Theater Program, focusing on the area of theater design. At Quinnipiac University she teaches courses in scenic, lighting, and costume design, as well as drawing and painting for the theater, and stage management. These subjects involve high levels of experiential learning for students where they use the theater as a laboratory. Her career as a scenic designer has focused on working with new material and theater companies who serve specific underrepresented communities.

Along with teaching full time at QU, Abigail also works with the students in the theater and shop to build, paint, install, and run the theatrical performances. Prior to her time at QU, Abigail received an MA in Theater Practice from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London (focusing on devising and producing new works) and an MFA from the University of Connecticut in Scenic Design. Outside of QU, she has worked with numerous theatres and directors as a scenic designer and collaborator here in Connecticut as well as in Florida, Indiana, and London.


  • MFA, University of Connecticut

Areas of Expertise

  • Theatre
  • Design
  • Collaboration
  • Scenic Design
  • Arts Engagement


  • Visual and Performing Arts

Office Location

  • 515 Sherman Ave 112

Mail Drop

  • OF-ART


MoonAmie Productions

Scenic Designer

Miami, FL

2018 - Present

Summit Performance

Scenic Designer

Indianapolis, IN

2018 - 2018

Quinnipiac University

Assistant Teaching Professor of Theater

Hamden, CT

2017 - Present

Connecticut Repertory Theatre

Scenic Designer & Paint Charge

Storrs, CT

2014 - 2017

The Children's Museum of Indianapolis

Scenic Designer, Paint Charge, and Stage Manager

Indianapolis, IN

2012 - 2014

Freelance Scenic Design

Scenic Designer

Indianapolis, IN; London, UK; Miami, FL

2011 - Present