Quinnipiac University
Brian Jones

Professor Emeritus


  • BCOM, University of Manitoba
  • PHD, Queens University Canada


  • Marketing

Office Location

  • Lender School of Business 212

Mail Drop

  • SB-DNF

Selected Publications

Peer Reviewed Journal

From Goods-Dominant Logic to Service-Dominant Logic? Service, Capitalism and Service Socialism

Tadajewski, M. and Jones, D.G.B.

21 (1) Marketing Theory 113-133 March 2021 (2021)

Peer Reviewed Journal

The Knack of Selling: Scientific Salesmanship, Relational Themes and Military Metaphors in Early Marketing Thought

Tadajewski, M. and Jones, D.G.B.

Vol.12 kNo. 3 Journal of Historical Research in Marketing 239-262 Spring, 2020 (2020)

Peer Reviewed Journal

Editorial (extended)

Tadajewski, M. and Jones, D.G.B

Vol.12 No.3 Journal of Historical Research in Marketing 1-3 Spring (2020)