Quinnipiac University
Clotilde Dudley-Smith

Assistant Professor of Health Science Studies

Program Dir of Online Programs for Health Science Studies

Program Director of Health Science Studies

Welcomes Media Inquiries
Clotilde Dudley-Smith ED.D, MPA, RDH, HEC-C, CT, Director Health Science Studies, Director Online BSHS Degree Completion Program, Professor Health Science Studies. She is currently teaching Bioethical Issues in Healthcare, Healthcare Law and Ethics and Health Science Capstone.

Clotilde Dudley-Smith earned her Doctorate in Educational Leadership. She holds a Masters in Public/Healthcare Administration and a Bachelors in Health Science/Dental Hygiene. She is also a Certified Healthcare Ethics Consultant and Certified Thanatologist: in Death, Dying, Loss and Bereavement.

Dr. Dudley-Smith previously held the following positions: Professor of Health Sciences at Sacred Heart University, Professor of Healthcare Administration at the University of New Haven, Professor of Dental Hygiene at the University of Bridgeport and Chair and Professor of Health Sciences at Point University. She has also taught numerous healthcare courses for Southern CT State University, University of North Georgia, Charter Oak Community College and Norwalk Community College as well as practicing as a Registered Dental Hygienist.

Dr. Dudley-Smith's presentations include: Association of Schools of Health Professions presentation on “Education and Practice: An Update of The Published Recommendations from the ASAHP Clinical Education Committee”, Leadership in Higher Education Conference, presentation on “Ethical Leadership in Higher Education”, Facebook Live Presenter for RCHI Group, "Discussion on Mental Health of College Students", Telehealth for ASAHP 2020. "Understanding Telehealth: Its Implications for Student Learning". https://vimeo.com/433704901, "Healthcare Ethics Burnout and Quality-An Interdisciplinary Approach", "Making An Impact-Integrating Multidisciplinary Professional Activities In Collaboration Together", "Education and Prevention of Eating Disorders in College Students", and "Interdisciplinary Courses For Health Science Students". She has also presented on television and radio on the topic of eating disorders.

Dr. Dudley-Smith's book chapters include: Sustainable Ageing: Reimagining Healthy Ageing Through the Lens of Flagship Campaigns Initiatives to fight ageism and elderly abuse: A healthy ageing perspective. Springer Publiciations. Privacy, Confidentiality, and Dignity in Health Promotion and Health Education in Vogelzang J, Ethics for Health Promotion and Health Education, Elsevier Publications. Journal articles include: "Engaging Clergy and Local Churches in Community Based Palliative Care: Obstacles and Opportunities for U.S. Catholic Communities", "Healthcare Ethics an Interdisciplinary Approach,", "Anorexia Nervosa and Risk of Exercise", and "Self Esteem and Body Image".

Grants include: SHS Faculty Scholarship Committee for data collection and presentation in “Ethical Leadership in Higher Education” at the National Leadership in Higher Education Conference, Hospice Certification Program at Sacred Heart University through the College of Health Professions, Ethics Grant for Dr. Arthur Caplan as College of Health Professions speaker, founding head of the Division of Medical Ethics at NYU School of Medicine and an interdisciplinary research grant on the Education and Prevention of Eating Disorders in College Students.

She is a member of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, Clinical Education Committee member for the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions. Currently working on a paper on IPE,
Member of Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) as well as membership with the
Connecticut Coalition to Improve End of Life Care. American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, American College of Healthcare Administrators, Clinical Education Committee for the Association of Schools of Allied Health, American College for Healthcare Executives, Connecticut Medical Examining Board and American Society of Law and Medical Ethics. 

Dr. Dudley-Smith lives in Connecticut with her husband, two children and


  • MPA, University of New Haven
  • EDD, University of Bridgeport

Areas of Expertise

  • Geriatrics/Gerontology/Ageing
  • Health & Wellness
  • End-of-Life Care, Hospice & Palliative Care
  • Interprofessional Education
  • Health Policy and Administration


  • Health Science Studies

Office Location

  • Echlin Center 203C

Mail Drop

  • EC-BMS


Quinnipiac University

Director and Asst Professor of Health Sciences

Hamden, CT, New Haven

Present - Present

Southern CT State University

Adjunct Professor of Health Sciences

New Haven, CT

Present - Present

Sacred Heart University

Assistant Professor of Health Sciences, Director Healthcare Administration Concentration

Fairfield, CT

2010 - Present

University of New Haven

Assistant Professor of Healthcare Administration and Public Administration

West Haven, CT

1991 - Present

University of Bridgeport

Assistant Professor Dental Hygiene

Bridgeport, CT

1989 - Present

Selected Publications


Ethics in Health Promotion and Education

Vogelzang, J., Dudley-Smith, C

Privacy, Confidentiality and Dignity In Health Promotion and Education 1st unknown at this time Oxford, United Kingdom (Elsevier Awaiting publication for Spring or Summer 2023)


Sustainable Ageing: Reimagining Healthy Ageing Through the Lens of Flagship Campaigns

Dudley-Smith, C

Initiatives to fight ageism and elderly abuse: A healthy ageing perspective 1st (Springer 2024)


Ethics in Health Promotion and Education

Vogelzang, J., Dudley-Smith, C

Privacy, Confidentiality and Dignity In Health Promotion and Education 1st Oxford, United Kingdom (Elsevier 2023)

Professional Designation