As a child and family clinician interested in complex trauma, she pursued funding to support implementation of evidence-based practices in Connecticut for children and families. Laura brought Triple P: Positive Parenting Program to the state of Connecticut in 2008. In 2020, she was chosen as a Current Trends Faculty Fellow by The Wheeler Clinic. The fellowship aims to develop the workforce for evidence-based practice of in-home family treatment by training faculty to provide a graduate level course for behavioral health professionals.
She has been a member of the Connecticut Disaster Behavioral Relief Network since 2001 and an active member of TEAM, Inc's Board of Directors since 2013.
- BA, Fairfield University
- MSW, Fordham University
Areas of Expertise
- Pediatrics/Newborns, Children, Adolescent and Youth
- Family-Centered Care
- Mental Health/Behavioral Health/Psychology/Psychiatry
- Trauma
- Interprofessional Education
- Social Work
Office Location
- Medicine, Nursing, Health Sci
Mail Drop
Quinnipiac University
Assistant Clinical Professor/Director of Field Education
Hamden, CT
2016 - Present
Quinnipiac University
Clinical Instructor/Director of Field Education
Hamden, CT
2013 - 2016
Southern Connecticut State University
Adjunct Instructor
New Haven, CT
2009 - 2013
LNV Parent Child Resource Center
Director of Clinical Services
Derby, CT
2001 - 2013
LNV Parent Child Resource Center
Child Guidance Clinic Supervisor
Derby, CT
1999 - 2001
LNV Parent Child Resource Center
Child/Family Therapist
Derby, CT
1997 - 1999
Selected Publications
Peer Reviewed Journal
Utilizing Change Leadership Within Social Work Education to Prioritize and Expand Interprofessional Education in a University Setting: A Case Study
McCave, E. L.; Mutrie, L., Doyle, M.H., Jacobson, S.; & Kelly, A.
20(2) Advances in Social Work 497-515 Summer (2020)