Professor of International Business
William S. Perlroth Endowed Professorship in Business
Dr. Elahee was a US Fulbright Professor in Jordan in 2018. He also taught in several countries including Bangladesh, China, France, Egypt, and Mexico. A recipient of multiple teaching excellence awards, Dr. Elahee primarily teaches International Negotiation and International Business. His research intersects culture and various aspects of business. A widely published author, Dr. Elahee serves as a reviewer for the US Dept. of Education and multiple journals. He is also actively involved with the Hamden Rotary Club, Columbus House, and the Albert Schweitzer Institute. Dr. Elahee has appeared in various media including ABC- CT, CBS-CT, NBC-CT, Fox-CT, NPR and has published op-eds in various newspapers.
- BCM, University of Dhaka-Bangladesh
- MBA, University of New Brunswick
- PHD, University Texas Pan American
Areas of Expertise
- Conflict Management
- Business Strategy
- International Business
- International Management
- Marketing
- Entrepreneurship & Strategy
Office Location
- Lender School of Business 221
Mail Drop
Selected Publications
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Climate Change and Wine Production: Can Connecticut Be Transformed Into a Wine Hub?
Elahee, Mohammad and Villanueva, Emiliano
2024 Annual Conference of the Academy of Int'l. Business- US Northeast Chapter, Boston, CT (2024)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence: Empirical Evidence from China and the US
Elahee, Mohammad; Qadri, Sana; Ghosh-Chowdhury, Tilottaama and Shen, Li.
2024 Annual Conference of the Academy of Int'l. Business- US Northeast Chapter, Boston, MA (2024)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Learning Beyond Classrooms: A Case Study of a ‘Living Learning Community’ in a New England University
Elahee, Mohammad; Trusch, Kyle and Sanders, Whitney
2024 Annual Conference of the Academy of Int'l. Business- US Northeast Chapter, Boston, MA (2024)
Revolution in Bangladesh
Elahee, Mohammad
The Role of Bangladeshi Diaspora in the Gen Z Revolution in Bangladesh 1st (2024)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
“Cold War 2.0: How the MENA countries can take advantage of US-China Trade War and Unleash Inclusive Entrepreneurship for a Sustainable Economic Growth?” . 2023 AIB-MENA Conference held in Rabat, Morocco, Dec. 10-12, 2023.
Elahee, Mohammad; Jiang, Crystal; Mohiuddin, Muhammad; & Rustambekov, Elzotbek
Academy of Int'l. Business- Middle East and North Africa, Rabat, Morocco (2023)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
"Experiential Learning in Asset Management: A Case Study."
Elahee, Mohammad; Kilic, Osman and O'Connor, Matthew
2023 AIB-MENA Conference., Rabat, Morocco. (2023)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
“Prospects and Perils of Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Higher Education in Business: A Cross-Cultural Analysis” (Coauthored with Dr. Tilo Chowdhury, Quinnipiac University and Li Shen, Juniata College, PA),
Elahee, Mohammad,; Li Shen & Ghosh-Chowdhury, Tilottama
2023 AIB-US Northeast (US-NE) Conference., Providence College, Providence, R.I. (2023)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Dealing with Corruption While Doing Business in South Asia
Elahee, Mohammad; Mukherjee, Amit & Mamun, Khwaja
2023 AIB-US Northeast (US-NE) Conference., Providence College, Providence, R.I. (2023)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
“Global Disruptions from US-China Decoupling: Reshoring, Near-shoring and Friend-shoring and the Chinese Responses” Academy of International Business, Warsaw, Poland, July 6 – 9, 2023.
Elahee, Mohammad; Jinag, Crystal; Li Shen & Werner, Gedeon.
2023 Annual Conference of the Academy of Int'l. Business., Warsaw, Poland (2023)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
“Social Media Influencers, Impulsive Behavior Tendencies, and Cognitive Dissonance: Some Preliminary Evidence”
Agnish, Khusi; Ghosh Chowdhury, Tilottama & Elahee, Mohammad,
2023 Summer Educator Conference, American Marketing Association Summer Academic Conference., San Francisco, CA. (2023)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
“An Examination of the Role of Individualism-Collectivism Dimension of Culture on COVID-19 Pandemic: An Instrumental Variable Approach” .
Elahee, Mohammad Niamat Rashid, A., Mamun, K. and Hossain A.
2022 Academy of Int’l. Business Conference , Miami, Florida, July 7-10, 2022. (2022)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
“Why Women Buy Luxury Products: Preliminary Evidences from Three Countries”
Elahee, Mohammad; Shen, Li, Al Ganideh, Saeb
2022 Academy of Int’l. Business Conference, Miami, Florida, July 7-10, 2022. (2022)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
entitled “Human Rights Abuse, Culture, and Globalization: A Multinational Study".
Egnle, R. and Elahee, M.
Academy of International Business U.S. Northeast Chapter 2022 Annual Conference, Washington DC, US, Oct 14-15, 2022 (2022)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
The Role of Income and Impulse Buying Tendencies for Cognitive Dissonance in Purchases Motivated by Social Media Influencers: Why Buy if Regret?
Khushi, A., Ghosh-Chowdhury, T. & Elahee, M.
2022 Academy of Int’l. Business-US Northeast Chapter Conference , Washington DC, Oct 14-15, 2022. (2022)
Peer Reviewed Journal
2022. “Technology Entrepreneurship in the Context of Institutional Voids: Lessons From a BoP Context”, DOI: 10.1504/IJBSR.2022.119617
Sharmelly, Rifat, Patidar, Nitish, and Elahee, Mohammad.
16(1): 1-39. International Journal of Business & Systems Research. 1-39 Spring 2022 (2022)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Challenges of Distance Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Student Perspective.
Shen, Li and Elahee, Mohammad
2021 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Int'l. Business - US Northeast Chapter, Fairfield, CT (2021)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Culture and Pandemics: An Examination of the Role of Individualism-Collectivism Dimension of Culture on COVID-19.
Elahee, Mohammad, Hossain, Amzad, Mamun, Khwaja & Rashid, Afzalur
Southern Economic Association, Houston, TX (2021)
Faculty Workshop
The Business Culture Crossroads: USA Through a Global Lens.
Elahee, Mohammad
Faculty Fall Seminar at University of Laval, Canada (Key Note Speaker), Qubec City, Canada (2021)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Future of Trade and Investment: Emerging U.S. Degrees in the Business Field.
Elahee, Mohammad
Edward Kennedy Center Workshop, Dhaka, Bangladesh (participated as the main speaker through Zoom) (2021)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Big Data Revolution: Consequences and Repercussions.(Key Note Presentation).
Elahee, Mohammad
17th Scientific International Conference on Business, Amman, Jordan (presented the keynote speech through Zoom) (2021)
Peer Reviewed Journal
Goal Orientation and Negotiation Strategies: An Empirical Analysis
Asante-Asamani, Abena, Elahee, Mohammad & MacDonald, Jason
32(1) Review of International Business August 2021 (2021)