Quinnipiac University
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Dr. Ramesh Subramanian is the Gabriel Ferrucci Professor of Information Systems at the School of Business, and a Fellow at Yale Law School's "Information Society Project." He was an Albert Schweitzer Fellow in 2018-2019, and a U.S. Fulbright Scholar in 2007-2008.

Dr. Subramanian's current teaching areas include Computer Security, Computer Programming, and Data Analytics. His reseach interests include Information Systems Security, History of Computing Technologies, ICT4D, and Interactions of Technology with Public Policy. He is especially interested in the intersection of security, privacy and public policy. He has presented his research at Yale Law School, Harvard's Berkman Center, and MIT Media Lab as a member of the Yale-Harvard-MIT Cyberscholars Working Group.

Dr. Subramanian's research has been published in the IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, European Business Review, Journal of Information Systems Security, IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering Journal, Journal of International Technology and Information Management, Communications of the IIMA, Information Systems Education Journal, Informing Science, etc. He has published four book. His fifth book, "Mobile Technologies and Access to Knowledge (Pub: Routledge)," is forthcoming in 2021.

Dr. Subramanian has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Annals of the History of Computing for period 2023 to 2025.


  • BS, University of Madras
  • MBA, Rutgers University
  • PHD, Rutgers University

Areas of Expertise

  • Business Analytics
  • Computer Information Systems


  • Business Analytics and Information Systems

Office Location

  • Faculty Office Building 126

Mail Drop

  • SB-DNF

Selected Publications

Peer Reviewed Journal

Examining the Relevance of Indian Logical Traditions and Present- day AI Developmentsday AI Developments

Ramesh Subramanian

Volume 21, Issue 1 Communications of the IIMA (CIIMA) 13-26 October 2023 (2023)

Peer Reviewed Journal

Towards a Domain – Specifc Comparative Analysis o? Data Mining ToolsMining Tools

Oo, May, Lozovikas, D., Subramanian, R.

Volume 21, Issue 1 Communications of the IIMA (CIIMA) 27-48 October 2023 (2023)

Peer Reviewed Presentations

Boundaries, Politics, and India

Ramesh Subramanian

Society for the History of Technology, Los Angeles, CA (2023)

Peer Reviewed Journal

A Review of Shaping Science: Organizations, Decisions, and Culture on NASA’s Teams by Janet Vertesi.

Ramesh Subramanian

63(1) Technology and Culture 304-306 Januray (2022)

Peer Reviewed Journal

Evolution and Diffusion of ICTs in the Indian Railways: A Historical Analysis

Ramesh Subramanian

31 Journal of International Technology and Information Management 84-109 October (2022)

Peer Reviewed Presentations

Monsoons, Computers, Satellites: History and Politics of Weather Monitoring ICTs in India

Ramesh Subramanian

33rd Annual Conference of the International Information Management Association (IIMA) 2022, Seattle, WA, USA (2022)

Peer Reviewed Presentations

Teen Pregnancy in the US; A Regression Analysis of Education, Media and other Socioeconomic Factors

P. Pellegrino, T. Zangoglia, R. Subramanian

33rd Annual Conference of the International Information Management Association (IIMA) 2022, Seattle, WA, USA (2022)

Peer Reviewed Presentations

Data Mining Approaches to Personalized Medicine: Potential Applications & Overcoming the Challenges Authors

R. Beliniak, O. Capone, N. Campbell, and R. Subramanian

33rd Annual Conference of the International Information Management Association (IIMA) 2022, Seattle, WA, USA (2022)

Peer Reviewed Presentations

A nuanced look at the evolution of technology in India

R. Subramanian

SHOT Annual Meeting 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA (2022)


Mobile Technology and Global Transformations: Access to Knowledge in Global Contexts

Ramesh Subramanian; Stefanie Felsberger

1 (Routledge, UK 2021)

Peer Reviewed Presentations

ICTs for Surveillance and Suppression: The Case of the Indian Emergency 1975-1977

Ramesh Subramanian

The 32nd IIMA Annual Conference on Information Management, Utrecht, The Netherlands (2021)

Peer Reviewed Presentations

Satellites, Computers, and Monsoons: History and politics of weather monitoring in India

Ramesh Subramanian

SHOT 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting, Virtual (2021)

Peer Reviewed Journal

Historical Consciousness of Cyber Security in India

Ramesh Subramanian

42(4) IEEE Annals of the Hisotry of Computing 71-93 October-December 2020 (2020)

Professional Designation