Professor of Marketing
- BS, University of Calcutta
- MS, Bond University
- PHD, University of Connecticut
- Marketing
Office Location
- Lender School of Business 207
Mail Drop
Selected Publications
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Maximizing Trait and Brand Transgressions
Cook, K., Munshi, Z., Petronis, E., Sood, S., and Chowdhury, T.G.
American Marketing Association Winter Conference, Remote (2025)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Reactions to Competence- versus warmth-based brand transgressions: Role of political orientation,
Murshed, F. and Chowdhury, T.G.
NEDSI 2025, Pennsylvania (2025)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
The Role of Self-efficacy in the Case of Attitude towards ESAs and ESA owners: Protecting Individual Well-being
Chowdhury, T.G., Munshi, Z., and Gustafsson, E.
American Marketing Association Winter Conference, Virtual (2024)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence: Empirical Evidence from China and the US
Elahee, M., Quadri, S., Chowdhury, T. G., and Shen, L.
AIB Northeast Chapter Conference, Boston (2024)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
The Impact of Pet Attachment on Consumers’ Response to Human Product Advertisements that Include Animals
Asare, A., Chowdhury, T. G., Norberg, P., and Nguyen, H.
American Marketing Association Summer Conference, Boston (2024)
Peer Reviewed Journal
Reassessing Brand Versus Concept Associations: Comparing Free Association Task and Sensory Cue-based Task
T. G. Chowdhury, F. Murshed, and M. Messier
20 (2) International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising pp.119-140 (2024)
Peer Reviewed Journal
Word-of-Mouth Endorsements and Goal Type in Service Advertising
Chowdhury, T. G., Micu, D., Munshi, M., and Micu, C.
12 (1) International Journal of Marketing and Business Communication (2023)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Social Media Influencers, Impulsive Behavior Tendencies, and Cognitive Dissonance: Some Preliminary Evidence
Agnish, K., Chowdhury, T.G., and Elahee, M.
American Marketing Association Summer Conference, San Francisco, USA (2023)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Prospects and Perils of Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Higher Education in Business
Elahee, M., Shen, L., and Chowdhury, T. G.
Academy of International Business U.S. Northeast Chapter Annual Conference, Rhode Island, USA (2023)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
The Global Role of Brand Influencer Partnerships and Sponsored Cause in case of Luxury versus Non-luxury Brands
DesRoberts, Nathan, Chowdhury, Tilottama G.
Academy of International Business U.S. Northeast Chapter Annual Conference, Washington DC (2022)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
The Role of Income and Impulse Buying Tendencies for Cognitive Dissonance in Purchases Motivated by Social Media Influencers: Why Buy if Regret?
Agnish, Khushi, Chowdhury, Tilottama G., Elahee, Mohammad
Academy of International Business U.S. Northeast Chapter Annual Conference, Washington DC (2022)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Consumer Response to Disturbing Over-The-Counter DNA Test Results: The Impact of Self-Efficacy and Counseling
Schramm, Mary, Chowdhury, Tilottama G.
AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Virtual (2022)
Peer Reviewed Journal
What Makes Me Click?” The Effects of Images and Color in Consumer-based Pandemic Health Messages
Tilottama G. Chowdhury, Patricia Norberg, Asare, Anthony K, Jun Kang, Richard Bannor
https://doi.org/10.1080/10696679.2022.2039875 Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice (2022)
Peer Reviewed Journal
Maximizers and Satisficers, Can’t Choose and Can’t Reject!
Adwait Khare, Tilottama G. Chowdhury, and Jeremy Morgan
Journal of Business Research (2021)
Peer Reviewed Journal
Different Women, Different Viewpoints: Age, Traits and Women’s reaction to Advertisements
Branchik, Blaine, Tilottama G. Chowdhury, and Jennifer Sacco
Journal of Consumer Marketing (2021)
Peer Reviewed Journal
Patient participation: the impact of diagnosis and individual characteristics
Schramm, Mary E., Tilottama G. Chowdhury, Myra Odenwaelder, and Eunice A. Lisk
The Service Industries Journal (2021)