Quinnipiac University

Parents & Families

Get Involved

A student and her parents smile as they wear Quinnipiac shirts in the stands at an ice hockey game

Parents & Families

Get Involved

Quinnipiac parents and families help our community thrive. Your support and encouragement profoundly shape each student’s educational journey. Join fellow Bobcat families in making an impact through the Parents & Families Leadership Council and the Quinnipiac Family Fund.

Make A Positive Impact

At Quinnipiac, we value parents and families as essential partners in our educational mission. The Parents & Families Leadership Council (PFLC) plays a vital role in advancing this mission — enhancing the student experience, building community, and addressing critical needs across campus.

To request more information and express your interest in joining the Parents & Families Leadership Council, please complete the online interest form

Family Fellows - $10,000

Quinnipiac’s Family Fellows recognizes those who significantly invest in advancing the university’s mission, and foster meaningful engagement in our community’s success. This philanthropic partnership begins with an annual gift of $10,000 or more and includes exclusive opportunities to connect with senior leadership. Fellows enjoy all Parents & Families Leadership Council benefits with added Commencement offerings. 

Benefits include:
  • Invitations to exclusive events and activities with Quinnipiac President Judy D. Olian and senior leadership

  • Strong community network of dedicated parents and families

  • Frequent and personal communications and assistance from the office of Development for Parents & Families

  • Exclusive volunteer opportunities

  • Annual tokens of appreciation

  • Automatic membership into the President’s Club

  • Additional Commencement offerings

Join Now

To request more information and express your interest in joining the Parents & Families Leadership Council, please complete the online interest form

Parents and Families Leadership Council - $5,000

The Parents & Families Leadership Council is a dedicated network of Quinnipiac parents and families committed to strengthening the university, enriching student life, and advancing academic endeavors by raising critical funds. Members give of their time, expertise and resources by participating in on-campus meetings each semester, engaging with students and university leadership, and making an annual gift of $5,000 or more to the fund of their choice.

Benefits include:
  • Invitations to exclusive events and activities with Quinnipiac President Judy D. Olian and senior leadership

  • Strong community network of dedicated parents and families

  • Frequent and personal communications and assistance from the office of Development for Parents & Families

  • Exclusive volunteer opportunities

  • Annual tokens of appreciation

  • Automatic membership into the President’s Club

Join Now

To request more information and express your interest in joining the Parents & Families Leadership Council, please complete the online interest form

Honor Your Graduate with a Capstone Scholarship Gift

As your family and your student look ahead to Commencement, you may reflect together on the people, professors and programs that made your student’s Quinnipiac experience unique. As you reminisce, consider recognizing your student’s hard work and dedication while providing life-changing educational access for future students by making a Capstone Scholarship Gift.

What is a Capstone Scholarship Gift?

Scholarship support for students is critical to our mission as a university. As we continue forward in the For the Ambitious comprehensive campaign, we strive to raise $55 million in support for scholarships. By celebrating your student’s achievements by making a Capstone Scholarship Gift of $10,000 or more, you will join our campaign efforts to provide a Quinnipiac education to deserving students in need.

Capstone Support Levels

Parents & Families Endowed Scholarship - $10,000+

Scholarship aid is continually the most urgent need among our students. Each day, Quinnipiac receives requests from families in need. The Parents & Families Endowed Scholarship was established in 1985 and has since continually grown through investment earnings and annual gifts from parents and families. This scholarship is awarded each year to two students who demonstrate both academic achievement and financial need. Your gift to this scholarship of $10,000 or more will provide critical funds for students and families without delay.

Annual Named Scholarship - $25,000+

This scholarship allows for immediate awarding of aid to students in need. Beginning at $25,000 made in full or through a multi-year pledge, this scholarship can be named in consultation with Office of Development and is awarded on an annual basis until depleted to deserving students each academic year.

Endowed Named Scholarship - $100,000+

The creation of an Endowed Named Scholarship establishes a permanent invested fund to produce sustainable revenue. Each year upon completion of the support, the invested earnings provide a scholarship award while growing the endowment balance to create long-term benefit for students. Named Endowed Scholarships are funded with a minimum gift of $100,000 given in full or through a multi-year pledge. You may also advise awarding preferences in consultation with the Office of Development. The university provides a 50% match of this scholarship, to bring the invested total to $150,000+.

How Do I Make a Capstone Gift?

Contact Jenna L. McClain Morlong at 203-582-7274 or jenna.mcclain@qu.edu to discuss your plan of support.

You can make your gift in the following ways:

  • By credit card online

  • Check

  • Wire transfer

  • Multi-year pledge

  • Appreciated securities

  • Donor-advised fund

  • Private Foundation

Make a Capstone Gift

Quinnipiac Family Fund

Your gifts, no matter the size, provide Quinnipiac with the vital resources needed beyond tuition to keep your student’s educational experience innovative, dynamic and adaptable in an ever-changing world. By supporting the Quinnipiac Family Fund, your family helps create high-impact experiential learning opportunities, enhance campus activities, and develop new resources under the leadership of the Chief Experience Officer and Provost.

The Quinnipiac Family Fund has helped to provide the following for our campus community:

  • Community-based and service learning

  • Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging education

  • Student-led innovative community activities

  • Undergraduate research and conference presentations

  • Physical improvements on campus such as firepits, outdoor seating, and an e-sports facility

  • Mental health and wellness facilities and programs

Give Today 

Contact Us

Jenna L. McClain Morlong
Director of Development for Parents and Families