Business schools’ impact in improving patient safety
January 30, 2024
January 30, 2024
For most of my career my research has been focused on addressing healthcare management and patient safety issues. In fact, during my time at the Connecticut Hospital Association, I had the opportunity to collaborate with, Rocco Orlando MD, senior vice president and chief academic officer, Hartford HealthCare, on outcomes related to the introduction of a laparoscopic procedure a publication still cited today.
Quinnipiac's School of Business has recognized the important role that business plays in purchasing healthcare services by offering an interdisciplinary patient safety/quality course. During my fellowship with Leapfrog, a nationally recognized organization that serves as a voice for major businesses and consumers of healthcare services, we received accolades for offering this course to business students. This fall, our healthcare/quality patient safety course received unanimous approval as the first micro-credential in the School of Business.
My intent at this stage of my career is to encourage my colleagues in their endeavors, involve my students in meaningful opportunities, and produce impactful written work. As the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) grabbles with how to measure societal impact, they might consider the importance of Op Eds (and, other mainstream publications) for reach, impact and account for this value in their accreditation criteria. Recently, I took an Op Ed writing course offered by the Robert Wood Johnson Fellowship to hone my skills to write for this type of publication.
This is my piece, How Business Schools Can Help Improve the Healthcare System, published in Poets and Quants that addresses the important role that business schools can and should play in improving the healthcare system.
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