Degree builds solid foundation for a successful future in real estate for alumna
November 05, 2020
November 05, 2020
She began her college career at Norwalk Community College where she fit classes into her busy schedule. Finding a balance while sacrificing many hours away from her family wasn’t easy, but she made it work and is proud of all that she accomplished. She earned an associate's degree and began looking for her next step in her college career.
"I went back to college to prove to myself and my son that anything is possible with hard work, at any age and at anytime," said Pincione.
Pincione chose Quinnipiac's online Bachelor of Business Administration program. She felt that this degree could give her a solid chance at a second career. With a continued sense of hope and aspiration, Pincione began to see herself in a different light and explored opportunities beyond her bachelor's degree.
Pincione spent most of her career in the travel industry and has acquired valuable international communication and business skills. A Bachelor of Business Administration degree complements her skill set and can help her make the leap into other areas of business. The courses were challenging, and with her husband, son and friends by her side, she graduated with her BBA in 2019. As Pincione looks back on this part of her life, this accomplishment is much more than a piece of paper for her.
This degree is in honor of her mother who passed away from breast cancer. It is a symbol to her son that anything is possible with hard work and at any age. For Pincione, this proves to her that she can make her goals a reality.
Pincione is excited to begin the next chapter in her life. She has recently passed her real estate exam and will begin her new career with confidence and anticipation. A Bachelor of Business Administration degree gives Pincione a solid foundation for a successful future in real estate and beyond.
What was your driving force, your motivation behind getting your Bachelor of Business Administration degree?
I wanted to complete my studies earlier, but I did not have the opportunity. I was determined to finish sooner than later. It was like a piece that I missed, and I needed it to feel complete.
Was there a particular course that you enjoyed?
I took many interesting classes that I enjoyed such as sociology and literature. These classes allowed me to understand myself and others. I also found both sociology and literature professors very personable.
What did you learn in class that you applied to your job?
I learned how to manage and organize my job. I also learned how to communicate more efficiently with co-workers and clients. I think people respect me more because of my education and skills.
What advice would you give yourself if you could go back on the day you started this program?
I would say not to be scared of how long it is going to take and to enjoy every class. Time is not relevant, and what we gain from the experience is more important.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
I recently became a real estate sales agent, and soon I will begin a collaboration with a major firm in the industry. I am very excited, and I am sure that the opportunity would not have happen without my background and education.
Pincione is capitalizing on the opportunities the BBA has given her. If you are looking for a career change like Pincione or want to further your career, learn more about Quinnipiac's online Bachelor of Business Administration degree.
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