Making the world a better place, one Bobcat at a time

World Nature Conservation Day, celebrated annually on July 28, is a vivid reminder of the need to protect the environment and preserve the planet’s natural resources.

Courtney McGinnis, professor of biology, said members of the university community can take some easy approaches to work toward a healthier environment.

“Some simple steps include using a reusable water bottle, eliminating single-use plastics, turning off the lights when leaving your room or home, turning off the water when brushing your teeth, taking a five-minute or less shower or using reusable bags instead of plastic bags,” she said.

Students have more power in creating positive change than they might realize, she said.

“A student’s voice and actions are so powerful,” she said. “Students can lead by example and explain why conservation efforts are so beneficial to everyone in the community and demonstrate this by making changes on campus and in their local communities.”

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A $500 FAFSA Incentive Grant will be applied to the financial aid offer of admitted first-year students who complete the FAFSA by January 15, 2025. 

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