QTHON raises $103,956.17 to help pediatric patients

Hundreds of Quinnipiac students came together from throughout the university to raise more than $100,000 to benefit pediatric patients at Connecticut Children's Medical Center.

The annual event, supported by current students, alumni, faculty and staff alike, culminated on Saturday with an 8-hour dance marathon and reveal, celebrating the $103,956.17 raised.

The students hoped for every dancer to raise at least $141 because of the number of patients currently at the hospital, including QTHON’s own hospital relations chair, Cali Lonardelli ‘24.

This year, the event had a DJ in addition to several student groups performing throughout the day and even a donated light-up sign spelling QTHON for photos.

Every hour, the QTHON morale and management team students led students in the morale dance to kick off the corresponding theme of the hour.

During the final hour, management invited dancers to sit and shared some of the reasons why students dance at this event. Some of the shared were I dance for: “brighter tomorrows, my future students, future bobcats, more smiles, the kiddos that can’t, for future QTHON leaders, for a cure”, and ended with “for the angels up above.”

The money raised will be used to fund everything from patient care resources to technology and research.

The event has become a loved tradition at the university and has raised more than $1 million over the past decade.

"You have replaced tears with smiles, fear with hope and isolation with love," said Lonardelli. "You have lessened pain and grief, worry and trauma. You have all shown me that despite the darkness and despair of childhood injury, there can be light and joy in fighting to change that."

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