Quinnipiac alumna takes the spotlight in broadcasting and leadership roles

November 09, 2023

Savannah Giammarco sits in a bright yellow pantsuit with a serious expression on her face.

Before her big break, Savannah Giammarco ’19, MS ’20, earned her undergraduate degree in journalism and a master’s in public relations from the 4+1 accelerated program at Quinnipiac.

Giammarco is now successful in her two roles as an on-air star for iHeartMedia and CEO of her own company, Savvy Social Media Management.

When applying to colleges, Giammarco was drawn to Quinnipiac by its sense of community and rigorous curriculum, she said. Combining her studies in journalism and public relations, she felt that her educational experience at Quinnipiac prepared her for the professional world.

“Looking back, having a dual-degree experience made me so much more marketable going into the workforce,” said Giammarco. “The curriculum at Quinnipiac gave me the perspective that I needed for my job today."

During her time at Quinnipiac, Giammarco took full advantage of her experience as she was involved in sorority life, worked with Quinnipiac Athletics and held an internship position at iHeartRadio. In addition to these experiences, she worked as a red-carpet correspondent hosting premiers and interviews for Sweeney Photography.

After completing her education and beginning her journey into the professional world, she faced many challenges as the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in her being laid off from her first full-time position.

“I am someone who is very driven, and I always need to have a purpose,” said Giammarco. “After my master’s program was over, I was sitting in my room alone during the pandemic with no job and it felt like a nightmare."

Amidst her struggles, Giammarco rose up and embarked on an entrepreneurial journey creating her own company, Savvy Social Media Management. Founding her own company during a global crisis was no walk in the park, she said, yet she accredits her can-do attitude to her experience at Quinnipiac.

“Quinnipiac taught me a lot about resilience and about changing direction,” she said. “I was taught that when life doesn’t go the way you plan, get yourself up, see what the landscape is and press forward.”

Now as an on-air personality for the morning show, KISS 95-7, an American radio station operated by iHeartMedia, and the CEO of her own company, Giammarco accredited her journeys and the personal experiences she has had to being the leaders of her success.

Additionally, having a strong background in modeling and beauty pageants, Giammarco emphasized the importance of balancing one’s personal brand with their career, networking and staying authentic.

“I think it’s important to know who you are and let yourself be that brand,” she said. “Whether it's’ pageants, the radio or creating a company, staying true to who you are and being cohesive is what resonates with any audience.”

For Quinnipiac students looking for career advice, Giammarco encourages young professionals to explore their interests, try new things and be flexible about their career paths.

“Don’t get too one-track-minded,” she said. “If you have a plan, let it be flexible because something better might come along, and you don’t want to miss out on it just because you were so narrow-focused."

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