Quinnipiac launches ambitious new campaign to build toward the future

Quinnipiac launched a new comprehensive fundraising campaign, “For the Ambitious, A Campaign for the Next Century,” on Saturday to ensure a strong future as it prepares to celebrate its first centennial.

Article Highlights

  • $78 million has already been raised by generous donors.

  • The $160 million initiative has been designed with an eye toward the future

  • The campaign will enable the university to better serve Quinnipiac students, preparing them for a world that is continually undergoing societal, technological and economical changes.

The $160 million initiative has been designed with an eye toward the future — set to herald in a new era for the university for the next century, and beyond. Already, $78 million has been raised by generous donors!

The campaign focuses on four key strategic priorities to support:

  • $55 million to support student scholarships and financial aid

  • $50 million to launch innovative programs

  • $30 million to advance faculty excellence and leadership

  • $25 million to invest in capital projects


“The time is now,” President Judy Olian said. “Our history is noted already for some remarkable achievements: Welcoming record number of students, ranking among the top 100 Best Colleges in the U.S. by The Wall Street Journal/College Pulse, earning national championships in men’s ice hockey and women’s rugby, lifting organizations and communities through the impact contributions of our graduates and faculty, and so much more.”

Quinnipiac is a university built upon ambition. It transforms lives, makes a lasting impact on the world and creates new possibilities for the next century. This campaign celebrates that legacy while building the University of the Future.

“We are launching a historic undertaking that will enable us to continue to fuel the ambitions of the change-makers, world-shakers and mold-breakers who find their commitment and motivation here,” said Nick Wormley ’00, MBA ‘02, vice president for alumni and development. “For the future of our institution, for the power of our community and for the strength of our commitment: We stand together.”

The campaign will enable the university to better serve Quinnipiac students, preparing them for a world that is continually undergoing societal, technological and economical changes. It will also enhance the university’s ability to create innovative academic programs, support expert faculty, improve physical spaces, expand intellectual impact and continue to broaden its capabilities.

“This is the power of changing students’ lives,” said Chuck Saia ‘91, MBA '94, chair of the Quinnipiac Board of Trustees. “This is the power all of us possess — it’s the power to clear pathways for our students; the power to help our students advance in the world, even as they help change it and make it better; it’s the power to build a better future.”

Quinnipiac has built a strong reputation for immersive experiential learning that prepares students for meaningful careers. In fact, more than 97% are either employed or pursuing advanced education within six months of graduation. It’s why Quinnipiac has been recognized as the top university in the country for getting a job for the past five years by leading career website Zippia.com. It’s also why Quinnipiac is recognized as a leading university in the nation by U.S. News & World Report, The Princeton Review, Forbes and Military Times.

Providing scholarships and aid for talented students from all backgrounds is the highest priority of this campaign.

A majority of undergraduate students at Quinnipiac receive financial assistance — particularly first-generation students, veterans and economically disadvantaged students. Contributions from the campaign will ensure that more students are entering the market with the preparation they need to thrive in 21st-century careers.

“I am grateful for my time here at Quinnipiac and my experiences with the Sawhney Leadership Program,” said Sean Emede ’25, MS ’26. “I am chapter president of Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, treasurer for the Black Student Union and marketing vice president for the Quinnipiac Computing Club. I would not be able to have the confidence to take on these roles without the support of the leadership program. I hope to work in the cybersecurity field after graduation. I am confident my connections made through this program will benefit me.”

Preparing students for personal and professional success requires more than just a degree, however. To truly equip the next generation for meaningful careers, lifelong learning, responsible leadership and advancing important societal issues, Quinnipiac must expand its academic and career preparation offerings.

Through a renewed investment in programs that support college transition, emotional well-being, leadership development, interview readiness, internships, entrepreneurship, study abroad, hands-on learning and inclusive pedagogy, the university can ensure graduates emerge with the greatest potential for prosperous, rewarding careers and lives.

The lifeblood of any university is the community of faculty and staff who inspire students, challenge them intellectually and guide and support them throughout their educational journeys.

It is imperative that Quinnipiac recruit and retain outstanding faculty in emergent fields who are distinguished teachers and who embody inclusive excellence.

Through this campaign, the faculty will have greater access to the resources needed to apply their expertise, to conduct research alongside students and publish their findings, to pursue innovative ways of advancing student learning and practice, and to enable their essential role in the development and well-being of students.

This bold campaign will create new spaces for learning and collaboration.

The university’s 10-year master facilities plan, “Designing Our Future,” is a blueprint for a new Quinnipiac experience — one that enriches students’ living and learning environments while addressing pressing academic, athletic and residential needs.

But a Quinnipiac education does far more than prepare students for careers; it changes lives for the better.

Take Samantha Markham ’21. After earning her bachelor’s degree in radiologic sciences, she returned to Quinnipiac to complete her MRI certificate, where she reconnected with her favorite undergraduate instructor — Tania Grgurich ’97, MHS ’08, clinical professor of diagnostic imaging.

During that time, she learned the kidney transplant she received as a child was beginning to fail. In a selfless act, Grgurich became a living kidney donor, saving her student’s life. Today, Markham has a thriving career as an X-ray technologist — and both continue to raise awareness about kidney disease, and the power of connections at Quinnipiac.

President Olian noted that this a special and unique moment in our time, with growing momentum.

“We have opportunity like we’ve never had before to elevate Quinnipiac to new heights of excellence and distinction,” President Olian added. “This is our moment; please join us. Let’s bring our ambitions to life.”

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