Quinnipiac moves to red campus alert level; implements 14-day, campus-wide quarantine
November 06, 2020
November 06, 2020
Dear QU community,
On Wednesday, we elevated our campus alert level to orange after reporting a significant rise in new COVID-19 cases. Since Wednesday, there have been 115 new cases at Quinnipiac. The state of Connecticut has issued a new health advisory and reached a “red status” based on the rate of daily new cases. Quinnipiac is similarly moving to a red campus alert level.
This weekend we must be especially vigilant in our efforts to reverse the trend. Here is the plan going forward.
1. Based on our protocols for a red campus alert level, we have implemented a 14-day campus-wide quarantine period, retroactive to this past Wednesday, Nov. 4. Wednesday is when we announced that students must restrict activities and social interactions to their family unit (those they live with). Residential students are not to make trips off campus, and students living off campus should not come to campus, except for testing. Time outdoors should be limited to getting meals and “fresh air breaks” and only with members of your family unit (students in isolation should not leave their rooms at all).
2. Starting tonight, Friday, Nov. 6, students quarantining in their room at the direction of our contact tracers should now pick up their grab-and-go meals from the dining hall, but cannot leave their room at any other time during the 14-day quarantine period. This is consistent with health department guidance when a school institutes a campus-wide quarantine.
3. Students in isolation who have tested positive will continue to have meals delivered to their room between 5:45 p.m. and 7 p.m. each night. Those meals will include dinner for that evening as well as breakfast and lunch for the following day.
4. We will test on Monday, November 9, ALL residential students. Health Sciences, nursing and education students in clinical or school placements that were paused earlier this week also will be tested on Monday and will receive an email with details about participating in this testing. Testing is in Burt Kahn Court, and students should come at the following times:
5. We will test on Tuesday, November 10, all off-campus students, both undergraduate and graduate, except medical and law school students and those tested on Monday. Testing will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Burt Kahn Court.
6. The measures we previously announced remain in effect through November 18: Classes are remote, dining is grab-and-go only, and in-person events and gatherings are paused. Deans will send additional information to students with clinicals, labs and other external placements with specific plans.
7. On-campus rapid testing is available for students who are symptomatic or are concerned they’ve been exposed to an individual who is COVID-19 positive. Student Health Services has the BinaxNOW rapid test available with results in 15 minutes. Please call Student Health Services (203-582-8742) to schedule an appointment, as walk-ins are not permitted.
8. Similar to the governor’s advisory for all state residents, students are required to remain in their university housing from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.
These containment measures follow the advice of public health experts and state guidance to take every possible measure to safely house students on campus. The above measures are the quickest and most effective strategies to contain and reduce contagion levels. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. We will continue to keep our community updated.
David R. Hill, MD
Senior Medical Adviser, COVID-19 Task Force
Professor of Medical Sciences
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