Student personifies what it means to be a Bobcat
April 07, 2021
April 07, 2021
"I will continue my studies at Quinnipiac after graduation to pursue my doctorate in physical therapy, where my ultimate goal is to work with members of our military and public service teams that require prosthetic physical therapy or spinal rehabilitation," she said.
Since she was 14, she has been working toward a career in sports medicine.
"I began with my high school athletic trainer and have since moved on to the collegiate level," she recalled. "Over the past six years, athletic training, physical therapy and strength and conditioning have become a staple of my life. These fields have introduced me to new challenges, people that have shaped my life, and even to the world far beyond where I grew up."
Wong earned a scholarship based on the leadership roles she's held on campus, which she said has helped her take additional classes toward her degree.
"These experiences have not only impacted my success as a student and young professional, but they have also allowed me to represent the university across the country and on other continents," she said.
During her time at Quinnipiac, she has served as a supervisor in the fitness and recreation center, vice president of scholarship for the Panhellenic Council at Quinnipiac, and president of the Rho Lambda National Honor Society.
She was also an athletic training intern at the World Lacrosse Championships in 2018 in Israel.
She said she hopes to use her Quinnipiac education to help others find their bodily autonomy.
"Independence is such a huge factor in high quality of life, so when I work with patients, my goal is always to find new ways for them to be able to live an independent and autonomous life, full of the activities they love to do," Wong said. "I love being able to help patients feel strong on their own so that they know their body is capable of anything they want to accomplish."
She attributes her experiences working with the university's affiliated clinical sites for being able to help grow an extensive network and have hands-on experience in the areas of health care that she is hoping to pursue post-graduation.
"We, as undergraduates students at Quinnipiac, have the opportunity to be immersed in the surrounding area through internships, clinical experiences, community service initiatives and other opportunities to foster closeness between the university and the community beyond," she said.
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