Quinnipiac University

School Contact Information

The Registrar’s Office can assist with many inquiries; however, some decisions and approvals are managed directly by your school. You will need to contact your school directly for guidance and approval for the following:

  • Being added to a closed section of a course

  • Repeating a course previously taken

  • Academic Advising questions

  • General inquiries about courses, sections, and academic programs

  • Undergraduate students wishing to register for a graduate class

  • Approval for registering for an Independent Study, Thesis, Tutorial, Internship or Comprehensive Exam

Please refer to the contact information provided below to connect with the appropriate department.

School or Course Type Course Code(s) Contact
College of Arts & Sciences courses AN, AR, BIO, CAR, CAS, CHE, CJ, DR, DS, EC, EN, ENV, FS, GDD, GP, GPH, GT, HS, IDS, IRST, JS, LE, MA, MCI, MU, PHY, PL, PO, PS, SCI, SO, SPS, WGS, Languages CASDeans@qu.edu
For a retake or closed course please use retake a class or add to closed course form
Business courses AC, BAN, BBA, BLW, CIS, ENT, FIN, HM, IB, MBA, MG, MK, OL, PMBA, SB, STR SBdeans@qu.edu
For a closed course please use the Closed Course form
Computing and Engineering courses CER, CSC, CYB, ENR, IER, MER, SER Engineering@qu.edu
Communications courses ADPR, COM, FTM, GID, ICM, JRN, MSS, PRR, SPCM SchoolofCommunications@qu.edu
Education courses ED, EDL, IDN, SEL, SPED Marion.Sparago@qu.edu
Health Science courses AMI, AT, BMS, DMS, FLW, HSC, PY, OT, OTD, OTM, PA, PR, PT, RA, RS, SHS, SW SHSDeans@qu.edu
Nursing courses NUR SNURDeans@qu.edu
First-Year Seminar courses FYS FYS@qu.edu
Transfer credit questions   TransferAdmissions@qu.edu