Practice space that prepares you for real life
One of the elements that sets us apart from other medical schools is our commitment to simulating the front lines of modern patient care. Our facilities include expansive skill labs with life-like anatomical models and equipment that mimics what is found in real clinical settings. We provide health assessment laboratories and 7 hi-fidelity simulation suites, including 2 operating rooms and multiple state-of-the-art adult, pediatric and neonatal mannequins poised in various stages of care and need.
Our medical and nursing students get an authentic feel for their future careers in what we call “S-PAC,” our Standardized Patient and Assessment Center, a 16-room facility that simulates outpatient clinical offices and provides a realistic environment for students learning clinical skills. Standardized patients, often experienced actors, are trained to exhibit a variety of symptoms and ailments. Students learn critical skills of visual diagnosis, history taking, physical examinations and patient communication. Students record information in a simulated electronic health record system, learning how to document findings and order tests.
The S-PAC is just one example of how we help you get a feel for work in hospital settings. The experience develops the kind of instincts, confidence and understanding you’ll need to respond to a wide range of patient needs.