Quinnipiac University

Accelerated BS in Nursing Tuition and Financial Aid

We know that college is a huge investment and one of the most important ones you’ll ever make. That’s why we’re invested in helping make your Quinnipiac education affordable. Whether it’s grants, loans or a job, we’ll help you explore every option and make a plan that works for you.

Undergraduate Costs

The accelerated nursing program is a one-year undergraduate program beginning in either in August and ending the following August, or beginning in January and ending in the following December. The program has a fixed cost for the year and it is billed in 3 installments — fall, spring (which includes a J-term class), and summer.


2024–25 Costs of Attendance

January 2024 Cohort
Cost Item Amount
Billable Charges (Direct Costs)
Tuition - J-Term 2024 (Winter intersession)


Student Health Insurance


Students can purchase the Gallagher Student Health Insurance for the one year program. If a student elects to enroll, this is billed on the J-term invoice.

Tuition - Spring 2024 semester


This figure includes the $225 Bronze dining plan

Tuition - Summer 2024 term (Session I and II)


Tuition - Fall 2024 semester


This figure includes the $260 Bronze dining plan

Tuition - J-Term 2025 (Winter intersession)


Total Billable Charges

$80,255 (excluding health insurance)

Other Possible Expenses (Indirect Costs)1
Books & Supplies






Off-Campus Renter/Living Expenses


1 Indirect costs are expenses you may incur, but for which you do not receive a billing statement, such as an average cost for books, supplies, transportation, miscellaneous expenses and off-campus living expenses. These are estimates and may vary by student. These amounts are meant as a guide and used as part of a Cost of Attendance budget for the program.


Tuition Assistance for Aspiring Nurses

The CT Health Horizon’s grant will allow Quinnipiac to provide $10,000 per student per year in tuition assistance for qualifying accelerated bachelor of science in nursing students with the goal of increasing the number and diversity of students in this program.

Learn More About CT Health Horizons

Read the Story on QU Today


Recruiting and Retaining Faculty Members

Connecticut Health Horizons also promotes a faculty hiring grant that will support faculty levels across Connecticut's educational institutions and clinical sites. Prospective faculty members are encouraged to contact the School of Nursing to learn more about employment opportunities at Quinnipiac.

Email cthorizonnursing@qu.edu to learn more about the faculty hiring grant

Financial Aid Eligibility

Accelerated nursing students are eligible to apply to be considered for financial aid. Aid packages usually include a combination of grants and federal student loans.

The program has a fixed cost for the year and it is billed in three installments: fall, spring (which includes a j-term class), and summer.

Keep in mind that when you apply for financial aid, your cost of attendance budget includes both your direct costs (tuition and fees) as well as indirect costs (rent, books, food, etc.) for which you can borrow.

How to Apply for Financial Aid


Complete and submit the FAFSA form

All students seeking financial assistance need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online as soon as possible after it opens. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now open. Applicants are encouraged to file the FAFSA to apply for financial aid as early as possible.

Quinnipiac's FAFSA code is 001402.

Complete the FAFSA online

Learn more about the FAFSA


Review your financial aid offer notification

Offer notifications are prepared by the Financial Aid Office and are issued to students to explain the details of the financial aid offer, which may include grants, scholarships, federal student loans and work study.

Access the Financial Aid Self-Service Portal


Complete your Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note (MPN) online for federal loans

  • Student Borrowers: If you will be attending Quinnipiac’s undergraduate programs, and are a first-time student borrower of federal loans, the government requires you to complete an online Entrance Counseling Session (a short question/answer session regarding educational borrowing) and sign an electronic promise to repay your loans called a Master Promissory Note (MPN). The loan proceeds cannot disburse to the university on your behalf until the requirements are completed on the Federal Student Aid website, studentaid.gov. The process can be accessed 24 hours a day and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

Learn more about Entrance Counseling and MPN

Visit studentaid.gov


Pay your balance

To cover a remaining balance due to the university, after financial aid has been applied against the invoice, families have the choice of establishing a semester payment plan and/or borrowing from the Federal Direct Parent PLUS loan or a variety of private lenders.

Learn more about tuition payment programs

Explore loan options

Net Price Calculator

Use the Net Price Calculator to understand what you might pay
You may be surprised to know that nationwide — for students attending private, four-year colleges — the average family can pay much less than the college’s published price. The Net Price Calculator is the ideal tool to help full-time, incoming first-year students estimate what the annual cost* would be to attend Quinnipiac.

Net Price Calculator

*It is important to note that the Net Price Calculator is only designed to provide estimates for full-time, first-year undergraduate students.

The receipt of additional assistance such as athletic scholarships, employee benefits, Tuition Exchange grants, veterans benefits, outside scholarships, etc., may affect the estimated aid being calculated. Please contact our office if you qualify for aid outside of the resources being provided in the calculator.

Learn More About Financial Aid