Quinnipiac University

Dining Experience

Dietary Restrictions, Accommodations and Allergy Guide

A food station in the Quinnipiac dining hall with vegan food options

Dining Experience

Dietary Restrictions, Accommodations and Allergy Guide

Dining is committed to accommodating students with food allergies and other dietary concerns. We take your dietary needs very seriously as our main goal is to provide students with the tools they need to effectively manage their food allergies or other restrictions on campus.

Review how to request dietary accommodations and dietary options available on each of our campuses below.

Dietary accommodation requests

Menus are subject to change and periodic updates. Check menus in the dining locations and on the dining website for real-time information.

Gluten-Friendly Options

Gluten-Friendly Options, Mount Carmel Dining Hall (Café Q)

  • Grilled (Transact)
    • Gluten-friendly options can be ordered through the Transact app from the Grilled Station 
    • One gluten-friendly fryer
    • Protein is gluten-friendly, except for chicken tenders
  • Wild Pie
    • Gluten-friendly pizza (ask the attendant) 
  • Pasta
    • Gluten friendly pasta is located in the allergen-friendly fridge (next to Create Smoothie)
    • Marinara and alfredo is gluten friendly
  • Create Global
    • Ask the attendant about gluten-friendly options
  • Melt Lab
    • Gluten-friendly options can be ordered through Transact
  • Deli
    • Gluten-friendly toaster oven
    • Gluten-free bread
    • Gluten-free meat
  • Brkfst & Co.
    • Gluten-friendly pancakes
    • Designated gluten-friendly grill top
    • Gluten-free bagels and muffins located in the allergen-friendly fridge (next to Create Smoothie)
  • Create Smoothie
    • Granola is gluten-friendly

Gluten-Friendly Options, Bobcat Den

  • Daily Press
    • Gluten-friendly bread
  • SONO
    • Gluten-friendly options are available daily
    • Gluten-friendly wraps
  • Diner Express (Transact)
    • Gluten-friendly french toast
    • Gluten-friendly bread
  • Retail Options (may change due to supply chain issues)
    • Gluten-friendly frozen pizza
    • Amy's gluten-free entrees

Gluten-Friendly Options, York Hill Dining Hall

  • Build Pizza
    • Gluten-friendly pizza is available (ask the attendnat)
  • Rocky Top Deli
    • Gluten-free bread
    • Gluten-free meat
  • Create Global
    • Ask the attendant about gluten-friendly options
  • Tu Taco
    • Gluten-friendly corn tortillas
  • Yogurt/Acai
    • Chobani is gluten-free
  • Rocky Top Grill (Transact)
    • Gluten friendly bread

Gluten-Friendly Options, North Haven Dining Hall

  • Deli
    • Gluten-friendly bagels, rolls and wraps are available
  • Salad Bar
    • Rice, chicken and vegetables are prepared without gluten
  • Entree
    • Gluten-friendly options available daily

Vegan Options

Vegan Options, Mount Carmel Dining Hall (Café Q)

  • Grilled (Transact)
    • Vegan options can be ordered through the Transact app from the Grilled Station
    • Vegan cheese and vegan chicken tenders are available
  • Wild Pie
    • Vegan pizza is available (ask the attendnat)
  • Create Global
    • Vegan protein is available every day
  • Melt Lab
    • Vegan options can be ordered through Transact from the Grilled Station
  • Boar's Head Deli
    • Vegan cheese and protein is available
  • Salad Bar
    • All items are labeled

Vegan Options, Bobcat Den

  • Daily Press
    • Vegan Cheese
  • SONO
    • Vegan options are available daily
    • Daily vegan protein
  • Diner Express (Transact)
    • Vegan proteins and cheese
  • Retail Options (may change due to supply chain issues)
    • Vegan Ben & Jerry's cookie dough bites

Vegan Options, York Hill Dining Hall

  • Build Pizza
    • Vegan pizza is available (Ask the attendant)
  • Boar's Head Deli
    • Vegan cheese and protein is available
  • Create Global
    • Vegan protein is available every day
  • Tu Taco
    • Vegan protein is offered daily
  • Salad Bar
    • All items are labeled
  • Rocky Top Grill (Transact)
    • Vegan proteins are available

Vegan Options, North Haven Dining Hall

  • Deli
    • Vegan breakfast sausage and tofurkey is available
  • Salad Bar
    • Vegan options are available
  • Entree
    • Day to day vegan options are available

Allergy-Friendly Options

Allergy-Friendly Options, Mount Carmel Dining Hall (Café Q)

  • Salad Bar: Dressings contain eggs except for vinaigrettes
  •  Delicious Without: Avoids eggs, milk, peanuts, treenuts, wheat/gluten, crustaceans and mollusks, fish, sesame seeds and soy.

Allergy-Friendly Options, Bobcat Den

  • Ben & Jerry's dairy-free ice cream pints

Allergy-Friendly Options, York Hill Dining Hall

  • Yogurt/Acai
    • Acai is dairy free

Requesting Dietary Accommodations

Students with allergies or medical dietary restrictions

Students who have medically necessary dietary needs such as allergies and gluten-free diets should begin by contacting the Office of Student Accessibility (OSA) at access@qu.edu or calling 203-582-7200. This should be done as soon as a student identifies that they have a medical need. Incoming students should do this as soon as they deposit at Quinnipiac, as there are historically a large number of requests at the start of term.

The student must submit supporting medical documentation using accommodation request with the Student Office of Accessibility. Once that is completed, the office will connect you with our a member of the dining team, who will walk you through your options at our dining locations.

Upon receiving the request, OSA will:

  • Have a conversation with the student through the interactive accommodation process.

  • Connect the student with a member of the dining team.

    • In some rare cases (for example, when a student is on a feeding tube), this step may be skipped and OSA may immediately recommend that the student is removed from a meal plan.

  • A member of the dining team will reach out to the student to set up an appointment to discuss the student's needs and create a plan for how the student can safely enjoy the food in the dining halls.

    • In some rare cases, food services may not be able to meet accommodation. a member of the dining team will inform the student and OSA if the student should be on a reduced meal plan or no meal plan at all.

  • If all medical documentation has been submitted, OSA will inform both Residential Life and One Stop of the need for accommodation and if the student should be on a reduced meal plan or no meal plan at all.

    • If the student is a residential student, Residence Life will reduce or remove the meal plan. If the student is a commuter, One Stop will reduce or remove the meal plan.

Students with religious dietary restrictions

  • Students who have dietary needs for religious reasons should make these known to a member of the dining team by emailing quinnipiacdining@qu.edu.

  • The student and a member of the dining team will meet to go over the student's needs and determine how they can best be met. In most cases, a plan will be put in place.

    • In some rare cases, food services cannot meet accommodation. a member of the dining team will inform the student, Residential Life and One Stop if the student should be on a reduced meal plan or no meal plan at all. 

Students with dietary preferences (vegetarians and vegans)

Review the information above to see the offerings of vegetarian and vegan options for each of our dining stations.


Tips for Students with Dietary Needs

  • Be sure to follow the request for accommodations processes as outlined above.

  • Share food allergies and medical conditions with the Office of Student Accessibility and Student Health Services.

  • Get to know the dining staff and chefs. Students should be comfortable asking questions about the food offered, including asking to see an ingredient list. While the best way to safely enjoy your food is to ask questions while in the dining halls students can also contact quinnpiacdining@qu.edu with any questions.

  • Know your symptoms. If needed, carry an epi-pen with you. The dining halls do not provide epi-pens, nor is the staff trained to administer them.