Quinnipiac University

Inclusive Excellence Teaching Lab

Khalilah Brown-Dean sitting and speaking into a microphone

Inclusive Excellence Teaching Lab

The Inclusive Excellence Teaching Lab provides and cultivates an intellectual community for scholars from across the university who have demonstrated their commitment to, and interest in, issues of equity, diversity and inclusion within their curricular and co-curricular approaches.

Through the Lab, we aim to transform teaching, learning, and scholarship by developing an inclusive learning environment that stretches across our campus and through the greater educational community.


2 students of color sitting at a table laughing together

Structure and Methods to Achieve Inclusive Excellence

Established as part of our 10-Point Plan to Advance Racial Justice, the Inclusive Excellence Teaching Lab fosters meaningful collaborations that affirm faculty and staff expertise, amplify student voices, strengthen curricular innovations and promote peer-to-peer mentoring across disciplines. Led by the Senior Director for Inclusive Excellence, and based in the Department of Cultural and Global Engagement, the IETL provides enhanced training opportunities for faculty and staff to promote inclusive assessment across the university and the broader Quinnipiac community.

The Lab will identify core faculty scholars, known as Inclusive Excellence Teaching Fellows, to serve as liaisons to other professors committed to pursuing a more inclusive approach to their courses and co-curricular offerings. To open up possibilities of inclusion and rethink educational practices, each of our activities, trainings and workshops centers around our six core goals.


  • To build intrapersonal and interpersonal awareness among faculty and staff.


  • Hold workshops to critically examine the ideas, assumptions and values that impact pedagogical choices and practices leading to a redesign of courses that emphasize co-constructive dialogue with culturally diverse students.


  • To establish an inclusive pedagogy by transforming curricular and co-curricular offerings guided in part by selected Inclusive Excellence Teaching Fellows.


  • Review existing courses; propose new designs; serve as a resource to various schools; conduct curriculum audits; suggest professional development sessions for faculty, staff & students.


  • To incentivize curricular change


  • Inclusive Excellence Transformation Grants will be offered to faculty & staff partners who would like to develop courses and/or co-curricular opportunities with preference given to collaborative efforts.


  • To develop a holistic learning environment that inculcates a culture of inclusive excellence.


  • Identify & execute university-wide lectures, thematic offerings and community partnerships that enhance pedagogy and practice.


  • To provide professional development that enhances understanding of how issues of identity and bias shape the experiences and intellectual explorations of students, faculty and staff.


  • Host meetings, conventions, seminars and roundtables including but not limited to: Annual Inclusive Excellence Summer Assembly; professional development seminars based on needs identified through faculty, staff and students; transdisciplinary Communities of Practice.


  • To assess learning outcomes.


  • Assessments will include surveys of faculty experiences as they develop a culture of inclusive excellence and student portfolios of co-curricular work. Pedagogical innovations will be evaluated to produce peer-reviewed scholarship that promotes best practices for our university and higher education more broadly.


  • To establish an inclusive pedagogy by transforming curricular and co-curricular offerings guided in part by selected Inclusive Excellence Teaching Fellows.


  • Review existing courses; propose new designs; serve as a resource to various schools; conduct curriculum audits; suggest professional development sessions for faculty, staff & students.


  • To develop a holistic learning environment that inculcates a culture of inclusive excellence.


  • Identify & execute university-wide lectures, thematic offerings and community partnerships that enhance pedagogy and practice.


  • To assess learning outcomes.


  • Assessments will include surveys of faculty experiences as they develop a culture of inclusive excellence and student portfolios of co-curricular work. Pedagogical innovations will be evaluated to produce peer-reviewed scholarship that promotes best practices for our university and higher education more broadly.

Inclusive Excellence Summer Assembly

The Inclusive Excellence Summer Assembly is a two-day convening designed to affirm the role of community members as collective stewards of institutional change and development. The annual assembly is designed to include traditional discussions, such as panels, roundtables and workshops and provide un-conferencing sessions around tool building and resource sharing.


Join us at the 2024 IESA

The Inclusive Excellence Teaching Lab will host the fourth Inclusive Excellence Summer Assembly on May 13 - 14, 2024. This year's assembly encourages faculty, students and staff from across the university to join our neighbors in the community as we explore transformational practices.

Learn more about the Inclusive Excellence Summer Assembly

Our Growing Community of Inclusive Educators

The Inclusive Excellence Teaching Lab and the Inclusive Excellence Summer Assembly are championed by a growing community of educators who share the same commitment and dedication to developing inclusive learning environments at Quinnipiac and beyond. Fellows and Co-Chairs are appointed to one-year terms aligned with the academic calendar.

Contact Our Co-Chairs

Meet Our Faculty Fellows